What excellent customer service looks like

December 21, 2009

Whats up ghostarmorscam.com peeps. It’s been a little while since I posted, so here we are. I will start by saying I uploaded an invoice from a recent experience I had with a phone protection company. I do not work for this company nor any other phone protection company. I blurred out names as my intent is to not persuade you to purchase a product from this company, but to show you what excellent customer service looks like. After my last Ghost Armor debacle I removed the armor from my phone all together. I needed to find something that would safely keep my phone protected. I found a product online that seemingly offered everything I was looking for. I purchased a case and holster for my Iphone 3g. I received it in the mail and installed it on my phone.  Personally, I like this case a lot, but initially there was an issue. I noticed with the holster the phone did not sit very well inside it. Occasionally the phone would slip out of the holster when getting out of the car, out of a chair etc. I stopped using the holster as it just got in the way. I planned on calling the company and asking for a new holster, but I procrastinated a while. Recently I noticed a piece of the case was somehow damaged. This particular case is made of a silicone/rubber material and one of the pieces was tearing away from the case, and would soon fall off. I figured this would be a good time to call this company and find out what we could do to resolve this issue. When I called the company I was greeted very kindly. I explained my problems (holster and case) to the lady in their customer service department. Without any questions asked she assured me she would resolve this issue to my liking. She collected my name and address so she could send me a new case, and holster for my phone. I was told that the holster issue was a manufacturing issue, and they recently fixed it. Not only was there no charge to send me a new case and holster, I don’t need to send anything back to them once it arrives. I didn’t pay a penny. Their warranty period is 1 year. This issue occurred 3 months into my warranty. One of the best parts of the experience was the lack of questions asked. She in no way tried to prove I was at fault for the damage. She trusted my word, as I was already a satisfied customer of their product. I didn’t have to pay shipping or handling or any fees for that matter. Within an hour of our conversation I received a tracking # for my new case and holster. This is what excellent customer service looks like. Now, to address some of the naysayers. I have been told a few times that I was being unreasonable with Ghost Armor because their product is new and not perfect. While I understand their product is new, I don’t understand the fact that they wont take responsibility for it. The issues I had with this other company were more then likely for the same reasons. The product is very new, and they acknowledge that. That is why they are sending me a new product, with no questions asked and free of charge. The customer service was exceptional. She knew I was frustrated with the product, and knew I had every right to be frustrated. I don’t expect every product to be perfect, but if it’s sold as a perfect product and it under performs, it’s needs to be replaced. That’s what warranties are for.

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